stuff I don't need

 I thought I was without a calendar at the beginning of the month, and so wondered about what my calendar theme should be for the year-that is, when I made the trip to the store to pick one out.

 Dogs? Flowers? Beautiful scenes of photography? The list in my mind went on and on.

 I thought a prayer was answered when I read the blog of a photographer who was giving away some calendars she made for Christmas gifts because she made too many. Giving away (FREEEEEEE!!!) makes my cheap heart smile. And any calendar of cute photographs from a good photographer makes my heart smile also.

 And so, I left a comment on the blog of said photographer and told her why yes, I'd love one. She very sweetly sent one to me. This arrived in the mail.

 Mind you, the design is nice on the front, the pictures are great and the pages are nicely laid out.  See what I mean?

 With all things to possibly complain about in the world, this should not be one of them, right?


 Silly me should have asked said photographer (before she mailed it to me) if I could hang this on the wall. I did not even think about this small, teensy, tiny fact. That is, until it arrived.

 The calendar is pocket sized!!! Woops!

 I was fortunate to remember that my insurance agent for my homeowners policy sends me a calendar every year for Christmas-one that I can hang on the wall. I found that package promptly and put it up. 

 And now, I wonder what in the world to do with this calendar. I should probably just toss it since I have a day planner and a calendar on the wall now.

 Oh, what to do, what to do........


  1. Don't throw it out!!! You can put it on and end table, nightstand, kitchen counter, etc for quick calendar access or keep it in your glove compartment or give it away.

    If you are wanting a nice full size wall calendar go to Borders or Waldens books in February. All of their calendars are marked down to a $1 then.


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