Recapping June

 I haven't been that good this month about calendarizing everything that has happened. So, I'll do the best I can with this month's summary.

 First of all, I heard the Governor of New Mexico speak. She seems good. My parents took me and ohmygawsh, the house that this woman spoke in was kick. ass. Mind you, all the Republicans listening to her were, like, 100 years old, but she was still interesting to listen to.

 I also began writing for another Web site-The Fullertonian! Talk about an ego boost! One of the heads of the site found me on Twitter and liked my work so much so that he invited me aboard. That made me incredibly happy. I'm also doing some other copywriting work for a wedding planning company. God is seriously telling me to pursue this; I know He is. The wedding planning company that I'm doing work for took me to a meeting of the Association of Bridal Consultants. O.M.G. I have never had so much fun doing anything work related! The girl in me squeeled for joy seeing all the wedding stuff. And the location was to die for!

 And then.......Allie graduated from junior high! My sweet little cousin is going into high school! Yikes! It amazed me how short all the girls dresses were at the ceremony.

 I also won a giveaway from this blog. I never win anything from any blog-especially hers! I guess I got lucky this time! She is really good and I love looking at her creations.

 Oh, and I've lost 19.2 pounds so far. Yaaaaaay........

 And that was my month in a nutshell.


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