February recap
"And so, I move on to February. I hope it's a month of love in many different forms," were the last words I wrote on last month's recap.
Not to be haughty, but I think I found love of self this month. I think I found a love of truth to self this month. I won't say what happened, but let's just say I feel that I did the right thing with a decision I made this month.
February also meant celebrations. My mom turned 74 and so my parents and I celebrated that. I highly recommend The Cat and the Custard Cip.
I also went on a trip to Stateline with Chris and 40-plus others, which was a fundraiser to send kids at her son's junior high to Washington, DC. I won $185 there and also scored some great deals at the outlet mall there. The sales absolutely rocked.
I also got the flu. :( Now that doesn't rock in the slightest.
And so, I move on to a new month. I move on to newness.
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