March recap

 (There are zero, zilch, zip, nada flattering pictures of me. Therefore, this recap for March is going to be devoid of any pictures. Sadness for you! lol)

 March was an interesting month. Season's of life took place in many ways around me. A friend's mother passed away. A cousin had a baby. My season's of life also continue to change.

 First things first, it was disheartening to hear that my long-time friend Lisa's mother passed away. The poor thing had a stroke almost 3 years ago and was not in the best of health. I admire how Lisa handled this challenging time and hope I can only hold up as well when my parents are in their final days.

 My cousin Linda had her first child. James was born on St. Patrick's Day and was almost 10 pounds!  I couldn't believe that he was so big!

 The tax man cometh.... Taxes were not fun this year. Being an independent contractor for the first time means I have to pay more than usual to Uncle Sam this year. :( Boooo!!!! At least I know what to do next year to avoid such a big bill again.

 I also visited an awesome exhibit at Tri-City Park in Placentia. It was called "The Wall That Heals" and was just awesome. This is a travelling exhibit by the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund that is a replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, DC, along with museum quality exhibits showing momentos people have left at the wall in Washington, DC through the years.

 And so, life moves on.....


  1. That is good! What have you done to change your diet?

  2. No more white bread. The doctor said if you have bread, it has to be whole wheat. I'm also keeping track of what I eat. For some reason, I also can't have soda anymore. The dr.'s sending me to a dietitian, because apparently I'll need a certain type of, um, system recharge. Will tell you more about it when it happens.


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