Pinterest saves the day

 One of the things I told my weight loss coach I'd work on before we speak again is planning out my meals. That means, breakfast, lunch, dinner and two snacks per day. I didn't realize how tough that would be for me.

 By tough, I mean a mixture of a couple things. First of all, I really resisted the planning-at first. I don't know why, but I just did. There also aren't a lot of online templates for meal planning that include snacks either! That actually meant that I had to plan things out by hand. (GASP! HORRIBLE!) But then, I realized I didn't know what to cook!

 You should know that my eating has otherwise been known as flybytheseatofyourpantseatontherun. It involves little brain work and worked well for me-that is, until I began eating excessively due to stress, which in turn affected my health. Which means one thing. I need to exert some brain cells and plan out what I'm going to eat.

 After looking online and seeing the lack of meal planning templates that include snacks, I realized I needed to plan my meals out by hands. Yes, that means WRITE THEM OUT. GASP!!!

 What do I cook though?

 Oh yeah, I have a whole Pinterest folder filled with food and drink ideas! Duhhhhh......

 And so, I went through my Pinterest folder, picking and choosing recipes for the week. (Granted, many of them are fattening, but I'm focusing on planning right now. Next week will be a selection of healthy recipes-I hope...) Breakfasts, snacks, lunches, snacks, dinners.

 It's not that bad once you get down to it. Despite the lack of online meal planning templates, I think I can do it.....


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