This Is That Time Of The Year.......

 It's that time of year again! A time when all the holidays are advertised way too early. A time when thoughts turn towards Santa Claus, turkeys, gratitude....

 A time when I begin to prepare to unload my crafts at boutiques...

 Yes folks, it's almost Christmas boutique season time! A time when all I see are craft related supplies to get my half finished projects completed to sell.

I can't begin to tell you how big this pile of letter stickers is. These are years old-and I still have them! 

A drawer full of almost finished Christmas cards. They too will be finished up and put on the selling block.

Book cover 1 (Yes, I need to vacuum...) 

Book cover 2 (excuse the wires-lolol) 

And a completed book!

 I really enjoy doing this and need to do more of it. It's a great tradition though at Christmas time, which I love doing each year.


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