One Little Word 2015: HEALTHY

 Craft blogger Ali Edwards has a great series once a year called One Little Word. A focus word is chosen for the year to keep you on track and moving forward. I personally love this. It's amazing to me that I've now been participating in this for five years. Wow!

Last year's One Little Word I chose was HEALTH. I chose it before going to an appointment with my new medical group and figured it would be a nice reminder to lose weight, pick up healthy habits, etc. Nothing serious, just a nice reminder....


 And then, I had four surgeries, which included a diagnosis I didn't like (but won't kill me) and kind of depressed me. Thyroid biopsies, ultrasounds and lab work also made up my year. And yes, the breast biopsy results hanging over my head....

 For someone who didn't use her terrible PPO insurance policy because of the terrible deductible-which applied to everything-I sure was happy to have a better policy and went to town on it. I guess that's one way to get health. Go to the doctor! :)

 So, this year I choose the word HEALTHY as my word. Healthy in all aspects of life-mind, body and spirit.

 Here's to 2015!

 You can read about my other word choices from 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014.


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