How God spoke to me on Christmas Eve (otherwise known as why I'm like the dog..)

 As I mentioned in a previous post, I believe that God was speaking to me during church on Christmas Eve. Not through the message, but through this picture, strangely enough. Here's what happened:

 I have to admit that my mind was wandering in and out while the pastor was speaking (It wasn't the usual head pastor, who knocks my socks off with his preaching style, but another one on staff. It was a good message, but obviously not one that was memorable to me.). This image that I had taken earlier in the evening kept flashing back and forth in my mind.

 This sweet, yet obviously spoiled dog was going through my mind-at church of all places. Why?

 Because I need to be reminded that God holds me like that when I need Him to. God has held me close this past year. Through health scares, through triumphs, through the tragedy of watching a dear friend lose both parents this year, He has held me (and my friend) close to Him. Like a baby in many ways.

 I think He was trying to tell me to surrender at that moment.  To fall at His feet and let Him pick me up and carry me into the next year.

 Like a baby.

 Psalm 37:7-9 tells us, " Surrender yourself to the LORD, and wait patiently for him. Do not be preoccupied with [an evildoer] who succeeds in his way when he carries out his schemes.  Let go of anger, and leave rage behind. Do not be preoccupied. It only leads to evil.  Evildoers will be cut off [from their inheritance], but those who wait with hope for the LORD will inherit the land. "

 Lord, I surrender all to you at this moment. Every single bit of it.  Help me to wait patiently for you and to not be preoccupied with evildoers and other things that do not focus on you. Help me also to let go of anger and to leave unproductive, un Christ-like behavior behind. I want to wait for you, Lord!

 I want to make this my prayer in 2011 and pray you will also. May it be a good year for you in Christ.


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