tales of a spoiled dog and other Christmas Eve stories

 No, your eyes are not deceiving you. This is a dog.

 A dog being held like a human baby.

 This is  a cute, yet spoiled six-year-old dog that unabashedly played her game this evening upon my arrival at my parents house for Christmas Eve dinner. Since my parents were at church when I arrived, the dog was in her prime-wanting attention to the max.  She ran to the front door. She danced on her hind legs. She bared her teeth as if she was smiling. Imagine it all in unison.

 Yes, it's doggone cute. ;)

 So, I pick her up and love on her while standing. When I go to sit down, she played her game again and fell backwards, knowing good and well that I'd catch her and she'd end up like this-being held like a human baby. And so, I took a picture of it to capture for time and eternity.

 What I can't believe is that it's the only decent picture I've got of Christmas Eve dinner with my parents!

 The others are just bad. My dad would kill me if I were to show the ones of him. I'm also going through a break out that is going to send me to the dermatologist if it doesn't clear up soon. Put it all together and it means that the dog looks the best. ;)

 I had a good Christmas Eve dinner with my parents and went to the 11 PM service at a local church to usher in Christmas. They had a pretty tree decorated out front.

 I believe that God spoke to me during the service,  I will share more of that revelation in a different post.

 Until then, I will end this and get some sleep! Gotta finish making my Christmas gifts in the morning!


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