Not much to report

  There was not much to report in ol' California land this week. The weather was pretty good and there were the usual high speed chases, which were in abundance this week, but not really much for me to report. 

 I had to get a blood test this week that's pretty routine now for my adenoma. It's pretty typical now for me to do this once every few months and the results came back normal. Yeah! 

 My pastor entered the hospital this week for the second time in a month. He has pneumonia, so I know very well what he's going through. I'm keeping him in prayer just like the rest of the congregation is doing. 

 Otherwise, things are pretty normal. I started school this week.  I have to take a computer class in order to get my certificate I'm working on, so that's what's taking time. The class seems pretty straightforward. Do the work and get a decent grade. 

 I still have boxes from my move that my goal is to get rid of this weekend. I also have four bags of clothes that need to be donated from said boxes. That is a good feeling to go through that many bags of clothes. 


I also joined a weight loss class through my medical group. I need this and since my doctor isn't for surgery, I decided this class was the best way to go. It starts next week! I printed out my materials already, which were over 100 pages! 

 And so, that pretty much sums up my week. Hope next week is more exciting! 


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