In summary...

 We're at the end of 2017. I've missed five months of updates because I've been busy living. Not a bad way to be...

 So, here are some facts about this year to sum it up:

  • Number of deaths in my life: Two. My cousin Leslie passed away in March and my dear friend Debra in September. Both of them were too young to pass away. Leslie's passing came quickly after her cancer diagnosis while Deb lingered for a year after her heart attack. I only went to Debra's memorial service, which was very nice. 
  • Number of insurance claims resolved from the 2015 fire. One. It took over a year for my homeowners insurance company to clear me. I am so happy that is resolved. So happy! Beyond! 
  • Number of times my parents needed to be in the hospital: Two. My dad fell backwards in the garage in August and had a procedure in October for it. He crushed a vertebrae and had a procedure to ease the pain. Mom thought she was having a heart attack the last Saturday in December, which meant a six-hour emergency room visit at her local hospital. I can't even begin to tell you how packed that ER was. Mom and I both wore masks because the waiting room was just filled with disease. 
  • Number of medical procedures I had this year: Two. I mentioned that the first one was to take a cyst out of my nipple. The second one is a bit TMI, but needed to be done. 
  • Number of new hairstyle experiments: One. I mistakenly thought I could cut out some split ends in my hair and ended up doing a number on it. After my hairdresser's shock wore off, he gave me an undercut. I really like it. 
  • Number of books I read: Over 20. I took up reading again as a hobby and got to know my local libraries. There is no sense to me in buying books right now, as there are two libraries near me that I can check new books out from. 
 I will try to be more diligent with updating this blog in 2018. I really enjoy looking back and reading the different events in my life. Until then, Adios 2017 and Hello New Year! 


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