
 I get excited over the simple things. Really, I do. Including trips to the middle of nowhere.

 My friend Chris invited me to go with her and her family to Nebraska next year-yes, 2014. My dad was born in the town she's going to, so she knew I'd be happy to go with her.

 It has been FOREVER since I've taken a vacation, so I'm excited-even though it will be to a podunk town in Nebraska. Did I mention it has been forever since I've taken a vacation?

 I actually looked up the town and was surprised to see that they had a visitors bureau. Dorky me sent away for some information. They have some interesting places to see, in addition to the important family related sites I want to see.

 Chris is talking about a driving trip from California to Nebraska. Our families may be taking the trip together, which will be fun but also means I ain't travelling in the same car with her. :)

 Some of the places I want to see while back there include portions of the Oregon Trail. Apparently it runs right by this town. I'd also like to see some sites in Colorado.

 It's fun to plan this out. I'm actually going on vacation again!


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