2013 reflections... "GET"

 When I look back at this year and the One Little Word I chose for this year at the end of last, I am grateful. Grateful for lots of things, actually. My word for 2013 was GET.

 What did I GET this year?

-I chose to GET volunteerism by volunteering with a rescue where I learned grant writing.  I highly recommend anyone going through career transition to volunteer to find opportunities to learn new skills and hone other skills. And of course I fostered Biscuit, Rosco and Lucy for a few weeks. Even though Basset Hounds are very sweet dogs, they howl. LOUDLY. My neighbors are happy that I won't be fostering them anymore.

-I chose to ramp up my dating life to GET more dates. An acquaintance of mine found his girlfriend on OkCupid.com and suggested I try it out, even though I'm not exactly thin. I certainly ramped things up. If you want to date more, I highly suggest that site since it's free. Granted, some of the men were not exactly quality, but it got me out more to live life.

-I learned that some of my career choices have helped GET open doors after all. I really have to get a full-time job in 2014. It's heartening to see that my choice to freelance for the papers I have and also garner public relations skills has given me the opportunity to interview for some great paying jobs. Here's to getting one in 2014!

-I learned that I don't GET my family sometimes, and that's okay. I've had some run-ins with members of my family this year. Sad but true. Even though looking back I should have ignored these folks, their time had come to be confronted. It's sad to say, but family isn't always family. I can see though that I'm going to have to work on forgiving one family member in 2014.

So here's to 2014. Whatever challenges may come my way, whatever happiness, I embrace it.


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